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The Sense Of An Ending

1) How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.

History is collective memory and  memory is personal history. But different view on looking at the  history. There is subjective and objective interpretation of the history.
Adrian quoted ," History is that certainly produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation ." 

History is the self - delusion of the defeated. History repeats in form of tragedy or farce. Or History is same old story , same old oscilation between war and peace , tyranny and rebellion and between property and impoverishment.
Memory a bit like black box in aeroplanes , which carry to record what happens in a crush. If there is no accident , we do not visit our memory. It also that " What you end up remembering isn't always the same as what you have witnessed. "
' History is memory of survivors , most of whom are neither victorious nor defeated. '

2) How do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet, 20th cen Existentialist philosophy and this 21st cen novel The Sense of an Ending?

There is a difference between addition and increase. In novel mental and physical courage of Adrian ' s suicide , " He took his own life , he took command of it , he took it in his hands - then out of them ." There was an addition in Tony ' s life and that gave him sense of unrest. Because Adrian choose philosophical suicide .

" The question of accumulation or human relationships be expressed in mathematics or logical formula ? Responsibility , chain or link - Adrian ' s rational arguments on his own suicide. It leads our journey in his settings of thought.

Existentialism movement emphasize individual existence that humans define their own meaning in life and make rational decisions. Hamlet kills Claudius , grave scene , the skull of Yorick all suggest futility of human condition. 

Thank You...


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