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Assignment :- The Mass Media And Communication

               Role of Media 

Name:- Charmi Vyas
Roll No :- 3
Sem :- 4
Paper Name:- Mass media & communication
Topic:-  Role of Media 
Submitted To:- Department Of English, Bhavnagar university

What is Mass Media?     

Mass media means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication used to reach the vast majority of the general public. The most common platforms for mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, & the Internet&the general public typically relies on the mass media to provide
information regarding political issues, social issues, entertainment, & news in pop culture.
Mass media consists of the various means by which information reaches large numbers of people, such as television, radio, movies, newspapers, & the Internetsociologists study mass media especially to see how it shapes people's values, beliefs, perceptions, & behaviour.

Mass communication enterprises including print newspaper magazine or broadcast (radio, television)&Individual employed in the communications industry . 

media basically began from petty he published newspapers/pamphlets/magazines to the multibillion industry of today .The term media is derived from Medium, which means carrier or mode. Media denotes an item specifically designed to reach a large audience or viewersthe term was first used with the advent of newspapers & magazines. However, with the passage of time, the term broadened by the inventions of radio, TV, cinemas & Internet.

 the world of today, media has become almost as necessary as food & clothing. It is true that media is playing an outstanding role in strengthening the society. Its duty is to inform, educate & entertain the people. It helps us to know current situation around the worldthe media has a strong social & cultural impact upon society. Because of its inherent ability to reach large number of public, it is widely used to convey message to build public opinion & awareness. We can say that Mass media used for various purpose like


The original idea behind the creation of various ‘media means’ was to entertain masses. Radio, TV, cinemas & magazines spend most of their resources targeting on entertaining items & programsb&ecause of the growing population & developing lifestyle, the demand for more entertainment is increasing. Every year billions of dollars is traded in entertainment industry. 

News & Current Affairs

one of major duties of media today is to inform the people about the latest happening around them & the world/they cover all aspects of our interest like weather, politics, war, health, finance, science, fashion, music, etc. The need for more & more news has evolved into creation of dedicated TV & radio channels & magazines///People can listen, watch & read latest news whenever & wherever they want. 

Political Awareness

Media is the overseer of the political system. If it plays its role honestly, it will be a great force in building the nation. It plays a great role in bringing common man close to their leaders//the media focuses in bringing details of all major political situations, decisions & scenarios. Hence people can better understand their rights & make better decisions.


Media is the overseer of the political system. If it plays its role honestly, it will be a great force in building the nation. It plays a great role in bringing common man close to their leaders, //The media focuses in bringing details of all major political situations, decisions & scenarios. Hence people can better understand their rights & make better decisions. 

Public Announcements: 

Various authorities & agencies utilize the power of media to spread informative messages to public//This may include warning against a storm or epidemic, delay in arrival or departure of flights & trains, etc. In some cases, it is legally binding to publish notices in newspaper like tenders, change of property ownership, etc.

Advertisement :-

Almost all business concerns uses the power of media to sell their products//They advertise in media for the enhancement of business purposes. Huge amounts of money are invested in media for marketing of a product. The more attractive the advertisement& the more people will follow it.
Types of Media 

Image result for role of media

1 Print Media  
      -News Paper
2 Audio Media
3 Audio video Media

The mass media has evolved significantly over time. Have you ever wondered how the latest news & information was communicated in the past// Well, before there was the Internet, television, or the radio, there was the newspaper. The newspaper was the original platform for mass media&. For a long period of time, the public relied on writers & journalists for the local newspapers to provide them with the latest news in current events.

Modern communication technology has made people closer in the world & in this technologies Television, cinema & New Media take or stand first in importance as well as in influence&all these media can reach a number of people at a time. It means they are so powerful & fast than they seem. Television is the parent of changes in society, as people are diverted towards it rather than other sources of entertainment%%

The Role of Media in the Society:-

Media has always played a huge role in our society. For a long time media was one of the methods of controlling people & leisure&In ancient times when there was no newspapers & television, people used literature as source of information, some books like the Iliad, & different stories about great kings, shows those people the information about them. Nowadays media is one of the main part of our lives & our society, because we use word media, to combine all sources of information. Average man is spending 4 hours a day on watching TV & reading newspapers\.

There are two types of newspapers - Broadsheets & Tabloids. Broadsheet newspapers are targeted at those who like more realistic approaches to news. Their articles focus more on including political & foreign items. However their publication is less popular than the tabloids. Tabloid newspapers are aimed at people who are just expecting amusement from newspaper??although they do cover some news, they tend to contain more gossip, personality issues, shorter articles & more pictures than text. Moreover they often refuse & neglect the idea of publishing political & foreign news. Also the newspapers are mostly bias in their view on what happened. For example in our country 90 % of newspapers are belong to government or to some rich people who still depends on government, so most of them are writing those things that are good for government//s for me I like broadsheets more because there are only useful facts & no silly stories & pictures. In such country like Kazakhstan where, like I said before most of the media are controlling by the government, we need to spend our time & to read a lot of different newspapers so we can get full information from different points of view, I like newspapers which are belong to opposition parties.


This media has the power of educating people, the good & the bad. Since it affect the eyes, the ears & the mind simultaneously nothing can overcome the influence of the media?? The media in the advanced society should perform a noble mission of enlightening people & discourage sectarian, communal & divisive trends.

Work sited


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