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Thinking activity : Technology and Education

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1) why is it necessary to use technology in education.  

Ans. Technology can make learning more fruitful. nowadays blog, flipped learning is in trend. by this student also learn outside the classroom and by this teacher give  task, thinking activities so they can use classroom time for evaluation and discussions and all students come up with new points so teacher come to know about every single students achievements.  Learning becomes interesting by using technology in education. technology is best way to learn anything if teacher introduce proper way to how technology helpful in learning.

2) what is the difference between 'using' and 'integrating ' technology ? 

Ans.   To use technology is its basic access but integrating technology is using for deeper knowledge and create  something new and useful. using it mens that technology  used only by teacher or student get some basic information or knowledge But if students are in center or learning through technology and teacher is just as an instructor, then it is integration of technology.

3) How can we integrated technology?  

Ans.  Technology integration helps learns to connect with world and its helps students to improve their result. technologe provide platform like blog,flippde quiz etc.. by all this student develops their skill.By use  technology we learn collaboratively and one class become global class. 

Thank You....


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