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Movie review : Midnight's Children


Midnight's children novel written by Salman Rushdie. The novel described India 's transition from British colonialism to Independence and partition of India. film based on novel Midnight's children which was  directed by Deepa Mehta. The film is narrated in many ways like, Freedom struggle, hybrid identities, magic realism. 


Saleem is a perfect representation of the hybrid man. Born with multiple allegiances and identities. He is a character of mixed backgrounds the son of colonial named Methowold and a poor indian women vanita and raised as a son of the middle class sinais. Adam, son of Shiva and Parvati, which also a mixture of identity.  

Magical realism  

The Magical realism narrative adds beauty and vigor of the historical events represented in this movie otherwise movie become boring to watch. The midnight children not be ordinary kids, they had supernatural powers. Saleem's incredibale sense of smell. 

 Parvati doing magic as a real art of her. Abracadabra, which invisibility basket signifies her believe in magic.  

Freedom struggle

Film includes the war of 1965 in Karachi, civil war in Bangladesh. In India 'The Emergency' from 1975 to 1977 when Prime minister Indira Gandhi had a state of emergency declared accross the country. 


In movie we find the many dark sides of partition, poverty, how it damaged our country in a very significant way. The movie is appreciated by BBC and take place in their list. The symbol of 'nose' signifies that how people take pride of inheritance. 

In the film there is direction of normal home rather than royal and huge like Taj Mahal, camera passes very normally, one another thing is marriage, the movie displays the marriage in a very absurd way, which is rarely find in India.

Thank YOU....


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