Q.1 The play directed by matthew dunster for globe theater ends with this scene (see the image of lucifer.) what does it signify ? Ans. In the last scene of play Dr. Faustus caught alone in his study waiting for the devils to come and take his soul. we can see the wide wings of lucifer it signify power of evil and in the and evil wins it shows his victory. Q.2 Is God present in the play ? if Yes, where and how? if No, why ? Ans. Yes, God has present in the play as good angels and friend and as old man. God tries to help faustus one or the other way so faustus think himself powerful. we are find in this play god is present in the mind of Dr. faustus. and also shows in this play when we doing something wrong it's against to god. Q.3 What reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see ...